
managed by: Richard Hoppel | Controls Engineering Manager | rhoppel@fetco.com | mobile 847.400.7505

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Component Status FETCO PN REV Sub-Director Notes (Links to PDF or other types of Docs)
Prototype Build Completed [1051.00041.00][PCB_Base_dir] A [Control Board PCB] 100

To Do

last update: 2017.MM.DD

Significant Changes

last update: 2017.MM.DD

Date Change Notes
2017.6.20 INITIAL New Format

Directory Structure

syntax: [Linked Directory] Note: only Production Directories/Files are shared with our Production Partners

[..] Up A Directory

[Drawings] Production Sub-Assembly Drawings

FETCO PN Rev Drawing Name
1102.00372.00 A Front Panel Assembly
CBS-2121-A Front Panel Assembly BOM
  1. [B] 1023.00258.00 Plastic Front cover
  2. [A] 1024.00085.00 Gasket
  3. [A] 1058.00043.00 Membrane Switch
  4. [B] 1102.00305.00 Control Board Assembly
    1. [A] 1051.00027.00_0-A.3 [Control Board PCB]
    2. [A] 1084.00026.00 Standoff
    3. [A] 1058.00042.00 LCD Display
    4. [A] 1082.00061.00 PCB Screw
  5. [A] 1102.00326.00 Valve
  6. 1082.00083.00 Screw1
  7. 1082.00109.00 Screw2

[PCB] PCB Schematics, BOM, Manufacturing data, 3D Models, etc.

[Documents] it is what it says

[Firmware] Production Hex and binary files for APP and boot-loader

File Name Function Note
CBS11XXee.hex Intel Hex format This will change
CBS11XXee.bin binary format This will change


File Name Function Note
1058.00043.00 Hot Water Switch Membrane Switch


Name Notes

Fix These